You had a lot of useful experiences during your volunteering but you did not get certificates for the competences you gained? Validate them with this online tool and use them for the presentation in a job interview.
As the online tool was developed in co-operation with nine European countries, the knowledge about the education systems of all these countries was integrated in the development process.
The validation tool is based on the key competences of the European Lifelong Learning Programme. This means the competences validated with this tool are comparable across all European countries.
The validation tool is easy to use. Check out the tutorial videos bellow::
"I like the appearance, the information and the main target. It is very useful tool for volunteers."
"DESTEVA Validation gateway is very useful for all of us who really want to extend our experience regarding volunteering."
The aim of this project is visualization, documentation and recognition of formally, non-formally and informally acquired competences in the field of volunteering and developing an online tool for validation of volunteering competences.
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